Welcome to a Divinity 2 Wiki

The wiki offers some tools for searching crafting recipes and skills.

Divinity 2 is a turn-based fantasy role playing game. It has very robust cooperative play. There are four heroes which are controlled among 1-4 players. Each character has customizable sets of physical attributes, combat abilities, civil abilities, and talents.

The physical attributes determine whether requirements are met for wearing types of weapons or armor. Points placed in physical attribues also grant bonuses and can grant access to various dialog options as well as content in the story.

The combat abilities are akin to a class system you would see in other games. Points placed into a combat ability grant bonuses and the ability to learn skills from that combat ability.

The civil abilities are less combat related and more focused toward interaction with the objects, characters, and information within the story.

The talents are mostly buffs that are granted under special conditions or unusual modifiers to rules your character follows. The talents are very often combat related.

Wiki Contents

  • An Item Crafting reference that can be searched by result.
  • An Item Crafting reference that can be searched by ingredient.
  • A list of all craftable items with pricing for certain details.
  • A Skill reference that can be searched by each combat ability or category.